
“有着年均4000万以上游客的拉斯维加斯是名副其实的世界顶级旅游胜地,其中很大一部分正在寻求一些全新的旅游体验,而这正是我们希望所能提供的,”麦迪逊总裁Andrew Lustgarten 在12月曾公开表示。“而麦迪逊球形广场将作为一个前所未见的全新平台展现给全世界。”

近年,诸多投资和经营活动昭示着现在的拉斯维加斯正在逐步走向转型。如美高美集团面向年青一代的电子竞技场所Level Up,凯撒集团旗下Linq计划的虚拟空间Kind Heaven,以及麦迪逊球形广场等。
2018年末,美高美集团CEO Jim Murren曾宣布计划重建其旗舰品牌美高美大酒店正门区域,以吸引更多的拉斯维加斯大道流量。这也是酒店博彩业不再一家独大的鲜明佐证。
“在过去20年,这家酒店正面一直都是内部朝向,” Murren先生表示,“为了吸引更多的流量和游客,我们也是时候改变策略了。”
$1.7 Billion MSG Sphere Adding Non-Gaming Las Vegas Profile
The MSG Sphere, slated to open in 2021, is the latest attraction being developed in Las Vegas that has little to nothing to do with casino gambling.
Once complete, MSG Sphere will be the largest spherical building in the world at 875,000 square feet.
MSG Sphere is being built in partnership between The Madison Square Garden Company and Las Vegas Sands Corporation. The sphere-shaped venue will have a capacity of 17,500 and will feature LED screens inside and outside of the venue. The sphere was designed by Populous, the designer of T-Mobile Arena, and is estimated a total cost of $1.7 billion.
As the year winds down, construction on the MSG Sphere at The Venetian in Las Vegas is making progress, some of the venue’s key characteristics are taking shape, including its spherical shape, the stage, and event seating and atrium. the sphere reached 65 feet in height with the completion of a fourth level.

Changing Visitor Profile
The days of Las Vegas being a casino-first town are long gone. With commercial or tribal casinos now in 41 of the 50 states, the majority of travelers don’t come to Southern Nevada to gamble.
The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA) reveals just seven percent of 2018 visitors said their primary purpose for being in Las Vegas was to gamble. Vacation/pleasure topped the list at 45 percent, and seeing friends and relatives next at 17 percent. Gaming was fourth after No. 3, “passing through.”
Fifty-eight percent of the more than 42.1 million visitors – or 24.4 million people – saw a show while in Las Vegas. That’s precisely why MSG is making such a massive investment in an entertainment venue.
“Las Vegas is one of the world’s top entertainment destinations, with over 40 million visitors annually, many of whom are looking for new experiences, and we’re going to give it to them,” MSG President Andrew Lustgarten affirmed on December. “MSG Sphere will be an entirely new platform, unlike anything we’ve ever seen.”
The MSG executives added that the Sphere will be an ideal setting for corporate events such as product launches and keynotes. “When you add that we’re directly connected to the Sands Expo Center, we see this as a very compelling opportunity,” Lustgarten concluded.
Casino Strip Changing

As a result of new customer attitudes and younger demographics with less of an appetite to gamble, Las Vegas casinos are re-imagining the entire resort concept.
From millennial-focused, skill-based gaming areas like MGM’s Level Up, immersive spaces such as the planned Kind Heaven concept at Caesars’ Linq, to The Venetian’s Sphere, Las Vegas is amid change – but that’s a constant in Sin City.
MGM CEO Jim Murren said last year the company is opening its facades to create more appealing entry spaces for Strip pedestrians – the new Park MGM being a prime example.
“The casino design of 20 years was all inward-facing,” Murren explained. “You wanted to suck people in and keep them in, and that is the opposite of what we’re doing now.”
With the re-forming resort industry plus fast development of IT, technology, retail, logistics, etc., the former Sin city is moving closer to an international metropolitan.